Are you ready to clear your stuck, negative emotional blocks that hold you hostage?
I'm Dr. Sobyl Bunis, DC
I have practiced for over 35 years in helping clear my patients of stored emotional blocks, caused by earlier, traumatic past events. These stuck emotional blocks, when not cleared, often lead to chronic health issues, addiction, negative belief systems, self-sabotaging patterns, anxiety, depression, anger and strained relationships. They hold you hostage from realizing your dreams and being all that you can be.

As a former NET (neuro emotional technique) practitioner and a chiropractor, I have developed my own, unique Emotional Clearing process that expands beyond NET therapy. Emotional Clearing works by unlocking and releasing your subconscious emotional blocks which may have limited you throughout your life time. My programs can create fast, powerful shifts and transformation enabling you to resolve chronic health and weight issues, anxiety, transform relationships, create more abundance, manifest life goals, overcome depression and much more.
Access my Powerful, Transformational Programs designed to identify and clear old traumatic patterns and triggers at the ROOT of your most frustrating issues.

What Clients Are Saying About the Emotional Clearing Programs
Emotional Clearing as presented by Sobyl E. Bunis, D.C. is not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat, or cure any disease, physical or mental. It is a feelings based, body-centered technique designed to guide you to find and process through old traumatic emotions that are stored in your nervous system. It is not psychotherapy. Emotional Clearing should not be construed as a promise of benefits, claims of cures, or a guarantee of results to be achieved. During or following an Emotional Clearing session, you may revisit painful emotions from the past as part of the healing process. As a client, you must take complete responsibility for your own physical health and emotional well-being. You need to be able to manage some level of emotional pain ( if it comes up ) on your own or with the support of another person such as a therapist, counselor or a friend. Emotional Clearing is not meant for people with serious mental illness. You should not discontinue or modify any medication presently being taken pursuant to medical advice without obtaining approval from your healthcare professional.
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